So much of the three months of my life between graduation and finding a job were dominated by the search that it was essentially the only thing on my mind. I sort of subconsciously thought that if I got a job then everything would fall into place. So far this hasn’t been the case. In fact, rather the opposite. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to have a job… Really happy. But in this, another transitional period in my life, I’m trying to figure out how to properly balance work and everything else.
This brings me to the point of my post.
I’ve never been wonderful about keeping up with friends and this newfound lack of time is making it even easier to let active communication fall by the wayside. To combat this, I’m making a goal to (when physically possible) write three letters a week to friends and family so as to better keep in touch. I’m gonna start hassling people (see: you) for mailing addresses soon so you may as well save yourself some trouble and message/text/email me your address now.
Following the need to achieve balance in my life by maintaining relationships I’m finding a need to spend what money I am making on stuff that matters to me. Things and stuff have never been a huge interest for me so I’m looking to spend my money on experiences. I want to travel. I want to go all over the US and eventually abroad. This is where you come in again. A nifty way to merge friends and travel is to travel with friends. The roadtrip I took with Sam, Patrick and Jimmie through Colorado was one of the cooler experiences in my short life and also relatively inexpensive. I want to start planning a road trip for this coming summer and I want people to go with and I want suggestions for places to go. I’ll be hassling people about suggestions and RSVPs relatively soon so, again, just save yourself the trouble of being hunted down and respond! To got you in the mood, here are some pics from the last roadtrip:
Didn't have any of Pat jumping off a rock so that's a picture of him staring death in the face overlooking a wicked canyon. Notice the happy smile. Nerves of steel, that one.
Anyone living in Houston, for the love of all that is holy, let me know you live here. Besides my Mom and my sister I only know two or three people that are around. Everyone else, get ready, you’re getting letters and/or personal visits sometime in the near future.